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How to start beekeeping

Looking after bees is both fascinating and rewarding. A hive in your back yard will give much pleasure and should also supply more than enough honey for you and your friends. 

We strongly advise prospective beekeepers to join a club.  You will be welcomed and find many new friends who share your hobby. They will be pleased to pass on their knowledge and passion for beekeeping.

It is also a very good idea to take a beginners' course.  Our club courses will introduce you to bee biology, behaviour and husbandry as well as advising on equipment purchase and sources of bees.


The Beekeepers Club runs multiple training courses each year.  The majority are aimed at new beekeepers who are about to take it up for the first time.  In 2016 we ran two courses specifically designed for purchasers of the Flow hive.  With the popularity of the Flow hive well established, we now incorporate instructions about its management in our general beginners courses. 

In addition we run more advanced instruction workshops in queen rearing and microscopy.

For details of upcoming courses click on the Events tab


Many new beekeepers find they still have lots of questions once they first obtain their bees. It is very reassuring to have experienced help to call upon to answer these.  The Beekeepers Club holds monthly hive openings at our apiary in Heidelberg. Club meetings also provide a valuable opportunity to ask questions and benefit from the knowledge shared by other beekeepers.

Course feedback

"A great course, the presenters should be congratulated."

"I was very pleased with the course and it helped me greatly in getting a start with beekeeping, we are most fortunate to have such a wealth of knowledge among our members."

"Excellent and thorough content, the practical was well conducted, and the assurance I can seek assistance and advice when needed."

"Well put together and approachable presentation"

"Great work - well presented - lots of thought has gone into the content!"

Contact us

Meeting Address: NewHope Community Centre: 3-7 Springfield Rd, Blackburn North 3130


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