The Beekeepers Club Inc. was formed in Melbourne in 1998. The majority of our members are beekeeping hobbyists and enthusiasts. Our meetings are held in Blackburn North and our members tend to be based in the Northern and Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The club provides support to its members through monthly meetings, introductory beekeeping courses and field trips, as well as free access to the club's extensive library of books, magazines and audiovisual material.
At monthly meetings, new and experienced, young and old beekeepers share their knowledge and experiences. We usually start with a guest speaker or club member presenting a talk or demonstration on a topic pertinent to the beekeeping calendar. This is followed by supper and a Q & A Panel, where beekeepers can ask any questions to the selected panel on the night.
Annual field trips are organised to allow the recreational beekeepers a glimpse the workings of commercial producers or widen knowledge about other topics of interest to the beekeeper.
We meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:30pm at our venue in Blackburn North.
President |
Ray Murray |
Vice-President | Helmut Huber |
Secretary |
Fabian Nesci |
Treasurer |
Lee Stanley |
Training Officer | John Treloar |
Ordinary members: | Debbie Webber |
Matt Oliver | |
Robyn Robin | |
Grant Jackson | |
Mike Hall | |
Matt Lancaster | |
The Beekeepers Club Inc Rules can be downloaded here.